- Inform your visitor so they may act responsibly
- Self install in less than 10 mins
- FCC & CE certified
- Supports 19 languages
Have a face covering detection option
Works quickly and accurately
Our devices are GDPR compliant and FCC (Europe) and FDA (USA) Certified
Alerting you if no face covering is worn upon entry
Our temperature kiosks are ready to be shipped as soon as you order. 97% of orders are delivered withing 10-14 days after the order
Easily install the temperature kiosk yourself in less than 10 minutes
Our infrared temperature kiosks are available in 19 languages - choose your local!
Infrared temperature scanning kiosks are great at detecting body temperature by instantly measuring body temperature and informing your visitors and staff of their temperature.
Our body temperature scanning kiosks run non contact infrared sensors, able to conduct initial body temperature checks for triage use. The technology on our digital temperature checkers allows detecting body temperature in a matter of seconds, without the need for physical contact, reducing the risks related to touching surfaces.
Ksubaka’s infrared temperature kiosks will be ready to go in minutes thanks to an easy installation process, and should be placed at the entrances of public spaces such as supermarkets, offices, schools, government buildings, and warehouses. Installing a temperature sensing kiosk will safeguard your employees and visitors’ safety, help reduce the spread of certain infectious diseases, and ultimately produce cost savings, as less sick days will be needed by immediately pinpointing any body temperature anomalies.
Partnering with trusted, industry-leading manufacturers, here at Ksubaka we have developed an infrared temperature measurement solution which enables you to keep your store or workplace open and fully operational while respecting the most demanding safety regulations.
Our temperature screening kiosks scan the temperature of your visitors, using infra-red sensors and facial reference, one by one to inform them if a higher than normal body temperature is detected. They can even alert you of this when allowed by regulations.
Our infrared temperature sensing kiosks are a turnkey solution, meaning that as soon as you place the order, the product is ready to be shipped. You will receive your body temperature scanner without needing to pay any ongoing fees. Installing a temperature detecting kiosk will show its benefits right away, providing positive returns on investments after as little as a week, compared to manual scanning options.
Depending on different business needs, our infrared temperature screening kiosks can be acquired through three different formulas:
- Inform your visitor so they may act responsibly
- Self install in less than 10 mins
- FCC & CE certified
- Supports 19 languages
Have a face covering detection option
Our connected solution comes with all the features of the standalone solution plus:
- A dashboard of realtime temperature sensing events and settings
- Update settings & remote monitoring TSK across multiple devices
- A dedicated Account Manager
Speak to us about how you can leverage our other products such as our smiles pulse surveys, health screening survey or customer check-in on your Connected Temperature Sensing Kiosk
Contact us +44 (0) 208 089 3953
Our temperature verification kiosks run the latest infrared temperature measurement technology and are suitable for many industries and applications, including:
Making sure your premises are safe is crucial during these times, and a body temperature kiosk can go a long way in ensuring you are always informed about what’s going on. Get your temperature scanning kiosks now!
Get In Touch!
Our infrared temperature screening kiosks come in different configurations, with the goal of accommodating every business application. Our configurations include:
Infrared temperature check kiosks can not be used to diagnose or exclude a diagnosis of Covid‑19 or any other diseases. An elevated body temperature in the context of use should be confirmed with a second evaluation method (e.g., non-contact infrared thermometer or clinical grade contact thermometer). Our non-contact infrared temperature sensor measures the average temperature over the face and may be affected by environmental conditions. Public health officials, through their experience with the device in the particular environment of use, should determine the significance of any fever or elevated temperature based on the skin tele thermographic temperature measurement.
Get Your TSK Now
1. Our device doesn’t store any information
We don’t store any sensitive personal data on the device or on any servers
2. Our device operates automatically
No need for another person to see or hear the results of the temperature check
3. Tools and Information
We give you all the tools and information you need to use your device in line with GDPR guidance
Temperature kiosks leverage infrared temperature measurement technology to measure individuals’ temperature in less than a second, without the need for contact. In addition, Temperature Scanning Kiosks detect whether individuals are wearing a mask or not, alerting you in case one of your visitors is entering without a face covering device.
Our body temperature kiosks utilise cutting-edge infrared temperature measurement technology that is able to accurately measure body temperature in one second.
With their infrared temperature sensors, our temperature scanning kiosks detect temperature as accurately as possible, allowing for a very strict margin of error. However, incorrect positioning can cause measurements to become less accurate. Hence, we recommend that a spot is carefully chosen, avoiding exposure to atmospherical agents and air conditioning.
No, Ksubaka’s Standalone TSK operates even in absence of a network connection (though you can choose to upgrade to the enterprise option that enables remote monitoring and configuration).
Where national regulations allow it, it is possible for you to set alerts that warn you of each high-temperature case. Your infrared temperature sensing kiosk will send you a notification so that you can take the necessary action.
Our temperature sensing kiosks are ready to ship, as soon as you place the order. 97% of orders are received within 10-14 days of order.
No. All TSK models operate automatically, without the need for human supervision, and do not store data. In addition, we provide documentation for GDPR-compliant usage to support you.
You can let us contact you for a free demo of our infrared temperature scanning kiosks.
Temperature kiosks can be wall-mounted, desk-mounted and in floor-standing configuration, meaning that there is a certain flexibility of installation. Make sure to place it in the most crucial location for your business.
For more information please contact our sales team,
If you have a TSK and need support visit our support page
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