In just two days, Ksubaka surveyed more than 30,000 shoppers through its network of touch-screens located in retail environments across China to find out more about the reasons why most consumers still like to shop at physical stores and what kind of in-store innovations they think would best benefit their shopping experience.
Please find the full report below:
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- 61.9% of respondents across all ages said that they still shop in physical stores as often or more frequently than online. There are no significant differences in results across different city tiers showing that internet penetration in tier 3-4-5 cities is at an advanced stage.
- 48.8% of respondents said that they shop in physical stores because they can find better promotions or want to check the quality of the products. Millenials aged between 18-35 are the most concerned about the quality of the products they buy and indicated it as the top reason they visit physical stores. Older generations (aged 56+) voted ‘better in-store promotions and discounts’ as their top reasons for shopping offline.
- 40.7% of respondents identified time loss to find products and payments as their biggest frustration when shopping in physical stores.
- To the question of what would improve their shopping experience, shoppers’ top choice (with 27.4% of responses) was viewing more information about the products on digital screens displayed in-store. Shoppers (especially Millenials in higher numbers) also indicated fast mobile payments (21.7%) and receiving promotions on mobile (15.9%) as innovations that would improve their shopping experience.