Increase In-store Survey response rates with the use of AI and the science of games
written by Giles Corbett
Blog11th October 2018
written by Giles Corbett
Blog11th October 2018
In today’s world, employing an army of clipboard-clutching market researchers has been the traditional approach to gaining precious customer insights. Even the most recent take such as having a URL at the end of a till receipt generates, most of the time, pitiful response rates as it’s viewed by shoppers as intrusive and disruptive to their journey.
With little to no control over response rates, gathering data through traditional survey mechanisms is by default another lost opportunity.
With industry standard engagement rates typically being anywhere between 3-5 seconds with little to no incentive, shoppers are left not only disgruntled but loath to provide any meaningful feedback.
Previous efforts to interact becomes a pointless operational overhead for the surveying entities.
Survey saturation and fruitless feedback are a bottleneck in the ability to respond to todays connected and savvy consumers.
With the use of innovative engagement technology, brands and retailers can look to change the way feedback is gathered and widen the reach and target audiences.
By using the science of gaming, augmented reality (AR) and interactive gamified experiences, brands can harness the power of technology to engage anyone passing by and immerse them in a brand experience, encouraging one more visitor, converting one more customer and selling one more item !
Using tailored interactive content not only delights visitors with the type of content that they “WANT” to engage with, it allows them to gain experiential value from that interaction.
This new approach to combat survey saturation and increase response rates in a physical location allows brands to gain much sought-after insight around shoppers buying behaviours and preferences.
A quick glance at Ksubaka’s dashboard is a good example of how interactive experiences work: thanks to our PlaySpots (interactive screens), we are seeing unprecedented rates of engagement, averaging anywhere between 45-60+ seconds. During this time, the interacting visitors were solely focused on the experience proposed to them.
Interestingly, the users who completed the entire engagement experience went onto provide very in-depth feedback around everything from the actual experience to shopper in-store journey as well as brand and product related research questions.
The power of digitally engaging footfall in physical locations should not be underestimated –Earlier this year, in a single location in Oxford Street, Topshop/Topman saw 30,500 store visitors interact via 20 Ksubaka playSpots.
These results are completely opposed to the very low responses they previously saw with a survey designed for transacting customers-only at the end of a till receipt, eliminating a whole segment of non-buying shoppers! 26,000 people completed an interactive gamified experience, with many continuing on to provide feedback.
Truly traversing the offline to online challenge, this exercise supplied Topshop and Topman with GDPR compliant contact details for 6,000 potential new customers to whom they could market freely.
Ultimately, participants were driven to online channels or offered special rewards. Uniquely, Ksubaka’s solution allowed Topshop to not only understanding their transacting customers but allowed the non-customer to speak out also.
Understanding the voice of the non-customer is critical to the brand’s drive to gain one more customer, drive one more visit and make them buy one more item, meeting core business KPI’s.
If you are interested in our Topshop experience find the full report here.
For more information about PlaySpot surveys and campaigns, contact-us